Archive | February 2010

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There And Back Again…*

*a not so fictional tale not by Bilbo Baggins So okay, those last 3 days I was in London. I can’t tell you much about the why at this point, but I certainly can tell you the how and indeed just like The Hobbit, this will be mostly about how to get somewhere, rather than […]

A little Bit of this, a little Bit of that…

Sifting through my personal collection of projects here on my computer is a constant reminder of how many of them are not yet finished or reworked and thus will probably never see the light of day. It’s amazing, that even after all these years I can manage to get myself into trouble with coming up […]

Forum Withdrawal – Some Clarification

As I wrote two days ago, I’m withdrawing from forum work – somewhat/ quite a bit/ mostly. This seems to have caused some confusion, so allow me to add some more thoughts to this. Withdrawal and withdrawal are two different things. I never meant to just abandon everything completely overnight, but rather to cut back […]

Loose Fit? Not here!

Apparently as a gay person, I take some interest in matters of size. I can’t deny it and I won’t, but there is no need to discuss the details here until you are the guy who’s snogging with me. ;-) In more scientific ways, other people also take interest and, which is why I am […]

Taking a Break from all your Worries*

*Battlestar Galactica, Season 3, Episode 13 After my near nervous breakdown in December, I knew there would be some point in the future, where I would need to focus on other things in my life and this is finally it. Sifting through this weekend’s stream of endlessly repetitive forum questions I finally was ready to […]

SWIFT Justice

I love it! Regardless of being pressured by American representatives here in Europe (which I consider highly inappropriate to begin with), the European parliament has stood up against the madness that is done in the name of the "fight against terrorism" and has refused to sign the so-called SWIFT agreement that would have allowed them […]

A Slacker turns 20

Just read this article on the Spiegel website and indeed it seems there is something to celebrate – or not, depending on how you view matters. Inarguably Photoshop is a major corner stone of the digital age. It serves millions or people every day in equally as many ways. That is both good and bad, […]

The Maxon Survey Fuck-Up

You know, there’s this quirky little 3D program called Cinema 4D, which I used for quite a while way back then and even did tutorials on it, before Maxon told me to go fuck myself. So in turn, it is not without some sort of malicious glee that I monitor their slightly odd and bewildering […]