Tag Archive | Quicktime

Bad got even worse (again)!

Yupp, exactly what you would expect: It’s NAB, it’s Adobe, it’s the latest After Effects update being totally screwy. You have to hand it to them – if there was an award for “Most reliably predictable mess-up with every new version”, Adobe‘s video division in Seattle would have an entire showcase full of them. I […]

Solid Quicktime

Before we get to the juicy bits, just a quick update on that Quicktime thing. Adobe have now issued some semi-official statement via their blogs. Of course it’s just the usual evasive jibber-jabber where they don’t commit to anything, but at least it should ease the minds of some people. Now for the good parts. […]


There’s Apple software and then there’s Apple software running on Windows. One of the two is nice, the other not so much. Sad as it is, but somehow Apple never understood how to make “good” Windows software. Instead of working within established habits, best practices and ultimately Microsoft‘s guidelines they always seemed more busy trying to carry […]

3D on the cheap

As only recently noted, Element will be available from next Monday if all goes well and it’s gonna be a very affordable thing, to say the least. As he was hinting in the comments on one of his rare blog posts on the plug-in a while back, he has now confirmed the 149 dollar price. […]

Weekend Comedy

You know when it’s weekend when TV stations are flooding their channels with "comedy", only that most of the time it isn’t funny. It would appear that disease is spreading more and more on forums – quite predictably there is always someone coming out on a Friday evening posting one of those questions that would […]

As tough as you can make them

Bad week for Adobe, I guess, with two severe leaks in Acrobat and Flash making the rounds on ze Web and being actively exploited. Now of course that sounds like the shit that is happening everyday and it is, but what is surprising, is that the fix is pretty easy – download the Enhanced Mitigation […]

Math.pow(2,64) – More Goodness

As I mentioned in this older post, After Effects CS5 will be a native 64bit program, which is some people’s most wanted feature, others’ most dreaded one. Reasons for fearing this day go far and wide from being stuck with an older computer that cannot be outfitted with 64bit-ness to issues with Quicktime to simply […]