Archive | November 2009

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Sushi ist auch keine Lösung!*

*Sushi is not a solution, either! I had a very lovely evening yesterday visiting Horst Lichter‘s current show of above title. The man, who as of late has become quite popular with his TV appearances in various cooking shows, is really quite entertaining. He talked about some anecdotes of his life (which has been quite […]

Photoshop vs. Fireworks vs. Illustrator!

You know, it’s really amazing and on the same level quite annoying to see how the Photoshop people think they have the better answers to everything, only to get themselves flak when they don’t get it right. John Nack got himself in a pinch again when all too obviously stealing ideas from Illustrator and Fireworks […]

Andrew is a Fashion Victim!

For those millions of fans who always wanted to look as good as Andrew K. (well, at least half as good), Video Copilot now also offers branded clothing. On that same note, I also still massively dig Luxology’s clothes. I’m a sucker for hoodies and the modo doodle/ noodle is still one of the coolest […]

Plug-Ins for Christmas ?!

I’ve updated the After Effects Plug-in Guide to include the latest offerings from many vendors, so you know what to shop for Christmas, or at least which free tools to download when you toy around over the holidays. I’m particularly impressed by the Collada Import/ Export. It works really well and shall add a lot […]

Cookie Dough Dynamo*

*techno song from a few years ago, not those yucky ice cream concoctions I spent the better half of the day baking a large pile of cookies, so I’m a bit exhausted and not really in the mood to do anything serious today. My brain is just too mooshed and the attractiveness of forum work […]


Just as I was cleaning my flat this afternoon, Adobe are again doing some cleaning of their own. Like so many other "big reputable computer companies", they are laying off some staff, 680 people, to be precise. It’s really confounding to see how easy it is to get rid of people. It will also have […]

Viva Elvis?

Since I’m a total addict for the Cirque du Soleil, I stop by their site regularly and to my surprise I saw that they have created yet another of those musical history shows, called Viva Elvis. Mmh, certainly not a bad thing, given the show being one more in Las Vegas and "The King" having […]

One more European Military Aviation Failure

Just read this bit over at Jane’s and it quite nicely illustrates, what suckers we Europeans are when it comes to all things military. We simply cannot manage to play with the big boys, as we seem constantly afraid of "being caught in the act" when selling weaponry to others or the countries canibalize each […]

War of the Game Realtime Engines

That’s really great news. I mean to people who actually are into realtime 3D and have been wanting to get their hands on such powerful technology for long, of course. First, Unity 3D have released a free version and now Epic Games is throwing them the gauntlet with what many consider one of the best […]

November Updates

Just a quick notifier: I’ve just updated the After Effects Error Code Database with a whole slew of new errors as well as a major rewrite of two older entries to better reflect new info that has appeared over time. I’ve also added some new entries to the After Effects Plug-In Guide. On a sidenote: […]